A CKAN extension for underlaying Wordpress content (navigation and content area) in your CKAN site.
For example, if you make a new Page in your Wordpress site called “Resources”, that will be appended to your CKAN navigation.
Any page that would normally result in a 404 from CKAN will then be checked for existence in Wordpress before returning to the user.
This only works against CKAN 1.3.1 or newer.
Install the extension as usual, e.g.:
$ pip install -e git+https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-wordpresser#egg=ckanext-wordpresser
Edit your development.ini (or similar) with:
ckan.plugins = wordpresser # and your other plugins...
wordpresser.proxy_host = http://<yoursite>.wordpress.com/
With your ckan virtualenv activated, run the following command from within pyenv/src/ckan:
nosetests --ckan ../ckanext-wordpresser/tests