This is an extension that provides a contact form for users to contact you about different categories of problems, backed by a redmine installation.
This extension provides:
This (defaults to /contact) that allows a user to contact the data portal owners and send feedback/questions to various redmine installations. Each installation can be made available at a URL to cover different types of reports. For instance on /contact and /content/general put data into one redmine instance, /contact/location puts the issues in another.
The categories drop-down is populated with the categories from the named Redmine instance and so these should be created within Redmine itself (optionally with a default assignee).
In this version of the extension all submitted issues are private (at least if Redmine is configured to be private) and they are not shown on the data portal.
Failure to add the issue to redmine will trigger an email to a system administrator to containing the contact information (so that details are not lost).
This shows the number of open/closed tickets with links to the youngest and oldest tickets in each state. The table below shows the number of open/closed tickets for each category and provides a link directly to the Redmine view filtered by that category. This view is only accessible to system administrators.
Create a project, some categories and add a user to redmine. Go to /settings and click on Authentication and make sure Enable REST web service is checked.
Add redmine
to your ckan.plugins.
Copy redmine-config-simple.json to where you put your config files and file in the required fields (for the number of instances you want to connect to). For each instance specify a name and fill in the fields as follows:
- url - The web address of your redmine installation
- apikey - The API key of a user with permission to create
issues, this can be found at /my/account on your
installation, you should click 'Show' underneath the API
access key section on the right.
- project - This is the short name of the project, for
instance a project called "Issues Test" will end up
with a short-name like issues-test. You can see this
in the browser address bar when you visit it in redmine.
- error_email - The email address of a user (or several)
to be notified when contact fails
- default - A boolean specifying whether this instance should
be the one displayed at /contact
ckanext.redmine.config = path_to_config_file
The extension should use mollom (or suchlike) to check for spam submissions.
Extension should take advantage of the custom fields to record the relevant dataset/publisher so that issues can be grouped/queried on that data. Currently this is inline in the issue content.
More reports on the processing of issues. Charts of velocity based on issue state, changes of state and grouped by publisher/dataset.
Users should be able to view, on the site, issues that they have created and be able to respond to them (with their feedback being added to Redmine).
Publishers should be able to obtain a view that shows the issues that are relevant to them, or are about their datasets. Eventually they should be able to response/close issues as well.
Responses to issues are likely to take place in users’ inboxes, and it would be more efficient, and valuable, if ckanext-redmine were able to be responsible for sending the messages, and also for integrating the responses. This may require new forms for responding to issues and delivering/retrieving email on each item.