A stand-alone service to pack a given CKAN resource in a ZIP file and email the link to a user
by U.K. Natural History Museum


Travis Coveralls CKAN Python

A CKAN extension that provides a user interface to download resources with ckanpackager.


This extension will not work without ckanpackager.

Ckanpackager is a stand-alone service that can be instructed to fetch data on a CKAN site using the datastore API, pack the data in a ZIP file and email the link to a given address. See the ckanpackager github page for more information.

The extension provides an HTML snippet that can be used to replace the Download button on resources. The new button will:

  • Provide an overlay explaining the link will be sent later on;
  • Provide a form for users to enter the destination email address;
  • On resource pages, the button will ensure that currently applied filters and searches are forwarded on to the ckanpackager service.

This extension uses a database table in the CKAN database to store stats about packaging events.


Path variables used below:

  • $INSTALL_FOLDER (i.e. where CKAN is installed), e.g. /usr/lib/ckan/default
  • $CONFIG_FILE, e.g. /etc/ckan/default/development.ini
  1. Clone the repository into the src folder:
git clone https://github.com/NaturalHistoryMuseum/ckanext-ckanpackager.git
  1. Activate the virtual env:
. $INSTALL_FOLDER/bin/activate
  1. Install the requirements from requirements.txt:
cd $INSTALL_FOLDER/src/ckanext-ckanpackager
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run setup.py:
cd $INSTALL_FOLDER/src/ckanext-ckanpackager
python setup.py develop
  1. Add ‘ckanpackager’ to the list of plugins in your $CONFIG_FILE:
ckan.plugins = ... ckanpackager


There are two options that must be specified in your .ini config file.


Name Description Options
ckanpackager.url URL to the ckanpackager endpoint  
ckanpackager.secret Shared secret with the ckanpackager instance  

Further Steps

  1. Initialise the database table:
ckan -c $CONFIG_FILE ckanpackager initdb




Provides statistical information about the download requests made to the packager. All of the items in the data_dict are optional.

from ckan.plugins import toolkit

data_dict = {
                'resource_id': RESOURCE_ID,
                'offset': 0,
                'limit': 100,
                'email': REQUESTER_EMAIL




Initialises the ckanpackager database tables.

ckan -c $CONFIG_FILE ckanpackager initdb


Add the following snippet to templates where you want the button to appear:

{% snippet 'ckanpackager/snippets/package_resource.html',
   res=res, pkg=pkg, bt_class="fas fa-download", bt_text=_('Download')


Test coverage is currently extremely limited.

To run the tests in this extension, there is a Docker compose configuration available in this repository to make it easy.

To run the tests against ckan 2.9.x on Python3:

  1. Build the required images
docker-compose build
  1. Then run the tests. The root of the repository is mounted into the ckan container as a volume by the Docker compose configuration, so you should only need to rebuild the ckan image if you change the extension’s dependencies.
docker-compose run ckan

The ckan image uses the Dockerfile in the docker/ folder which is based on openknowledge/ckan-dev:2.9-py2.

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