This plugin dependencies ckanext-spatial Plugin.
The current version of ckanext-basemaps has been developed and tested again CKAN 2.1.x. We assume a running CKAN 2.1.x instance.
The installation has the following steps, assuming you have a running copy of CKAN:
Install the extension from its source repository:
(pyenv) $ pip install -e git+
These are the configuration options used by the extension
Map Names:
ckanext.basemaps.laylers.names = 地理院地図(標準), 地理院地図(白地図),電子国土基本図(オルソ画像)
Map URLs:
ckanext.basemaps.laylers.urls ={z}/{x}/{y}.png,{z}/{x}/{y}.png,{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg