Add or Update an Extension
Add an Extension
To have an extension added to the registry:
- Collect the following pieces of information:
- Extension URL: URL to github repository for your extension (or URL to your repo if not in github)
- Extension Author(s): e.g. John Doe or UK Government
- Compatibility: CKAN Versions your extension is compatible with
- Title: Short, descriptive title for your extensions e.g. “Disqus Comments per Dataset”
- Name (Unique): Short url-usable unique name - usually this will be whatever is after ckanext- in your extension name on github e.g.
in ckanext-disqus
- The name must be different from all other displayed extensions
- Open an issue on the Extensions issue tracker with title “Add Extension {Name of Your Extension}”
What we will then do:
- Add your extension to the spreadsheet master list of extensions.
- Review your extension for quality
- Is it reasonably documented?
- Does it provide a generic feature or is it site specific?
- Assuming it passed the quality check it will be marked for inclusion in the public site here
- We will automatically collect information on your extension and store it here for display. Information includes:
- README should be in markdown format preferably (plain text and restructured text accepted but discouraged)
- README should start with a simple introductory paragraph (not a heading)
- README should include install instructions (even if just
pip install ckanext-{name}
- Recent activity on your extension
- All of the information submitted in the original issue
For Extension Site Administrators
For your instructions see the README.
Update an Extension