Node script for automatically creating a CKAN dataset for a CartoDB table
by Chris Whong

#cartodb2ckan Node script for automatically creating a CKAN dataset for a CartoDB table


CartoDB is a mapping platform that incorporates a cloud PostgreSQL database with a full SQL API. Once a dataset is in CartoDB and is made ‘public’, the SQL API can be accessed by anyone. The SQL API can output in various formats, including CSV, geoJSON, and Shapefile(SHP).

This script uses the CKAN API to create a new dataset in CKAN for a CartoDB public table that contains the table’s name, along with CKAN ‘resources’ for each of the different export types. It also creates a resource for the “public page” of the dataset on CartoDB.

##How to Use

###Download and Configuration

Clone this repo

Install dependencies npm install

Create config.js based on config.sample.js containing usernames, API keys, etc for your cartoDB account and CKAN instance.

###Run the Script

To run the script, pass in the name of a CartoDB table as an argument:

node script.js {tableName}

It should do its thing, and will open a new tab in your web brower with the new CKAN dataset page when it’s complete.

This script is largely based on this CKAN autopopulation script

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